Hudson 6 cylinder Hornet 1951-54 Head Gasket
Head Gasket fits the 1951-54 Hudson 6 cylinder Hornet & Super Hornet 308 cubic inch engine.
Best set #722G
Made in the USA!

1951-54 Hudson 6 cylinder Head Gasket for the 308 cubic inch engines
Head Gasket fits the 1951-54 Hudson 6 cylinder Hornet & Super Hornet 308 cubic inch engine.
Best set #722G
Made in the USA!
1951-54 Hudson 6 cylinder Head Gasket for the 308 cubic inch engines
Rear Main Seal (rope) for the 1948-54 Hudson 6 cylinder 232, 262 and 308 cubic inch engines.
Best set #5206 (rope)
Best set #3878 (rubber) **not pictured**
Made in the USA!
1948-54 Hudson 6 cylinder Rear Main Seal for the 232, 262, and 308 cubic inch engines
Valve Cover Set for the 1948-56 Hudson 6 cylinder 232, 262 and 308 cubic inch engines.
Best set #13029E
Made in the USA!
1948-56 Hudson 6 cylinder Valve Cover Set for the 232, 262, and 308 cubic inch engines