Archives: Gaskets

Sheppard SD4 cylinder head gasket

Sheppard SD4 graphite head gasket

We make the head gasket for the Sheppard SD4 engine. This is a steel core graphite material with fire rings fastened to the cylinder holes. Made here in house and can usually ship within 3-5 days of when your order is placed.

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Packard 8 cylinder, 1926-28 engine gasket set

1926-28 Packard Super 8 engine gasket set

Engine gasket set for the 1926-28 Packard Super 8 models 336, 343, and 443 passenger cars.

Includes new Copper head gasket made in the USA!

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Buick 8 cylinder 40, 50 series 1934-53 Push Rod Cover

Push Rod Cover gasket for 1934-53 Buick 8 cylinder 40, 50 series. (3 options- see specific part #’s below).

Best set # 29002E (1934-36)

Best set # 30005E (1937-50) *pictured*

Best set # 30007E (1951-53)

Made in the USA!

1934-53 Buick 8 cylinder 40, 50 series Push Rod Cover Gasket

Buick 8 cylinder 40, 50 series 1934-53 Push Rod Cover Gasket

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