Gasket Search Results:
Showing 1-5 of 1032 matching gaskets
Ford Truck, Lincoln V8 1952-63E Head Gasket
Head Gaskets fit the 1952-63E V8 Ford Truck 279, 302, 317, and 332 cubic inch engines and the 1952-54 Lincoln V8 317 cubic inch engine.
Note: Also fits the 1964 Canadian Ford V8 333 cubic inch engine.
Best Gasket GraphTite Head Gaskets
Best set#570G
Made in the USA!

1952-63E Ford Truck and Lincoln V8 Head Gaskets for the 279, 302, 317 and 332 cubic inch engines
Ford Truck, Mercury, Edsel V8 1954-64 OHV Head Gasket
Head Gaskets fit the 1954-64 Ford Truck V8, 1954-62 Mercury V8 and the 1955-62 Edsel V8 239, 256, 272, 292 and 312 cubic inch OHV engines.
Best Gasket GraphTite Head Gaskets
Best set #572G
Made in the USA!

1954-64 Ford Truck, Mercury and Edsel V8 Head Gaskets for the 239, 256, 272, 292 and 312 cubic inch OHV engines
Ford Truck, Studebaker Truck Rear Axel Housing Cover Gasket
This Rear Axel Housing Cover Gasket is for the 1932-52 Ford Truck, the 1941-58 Studebaker Truck and the 1954-58 Studebaker V8 with split axel.
Note: This is also used as the Differential Carrier Gasket for the 1939-46 Early GMC.
Best set #15014E
Made in the USA!

Rear Axel Housing Cover Gasket for the Ford Truck and the Studebaker Truck
Ford V8 1932-41 Distributor Gasket Set
This 9 piece Distributor Gasket Set fits the 1932-41 Ford V8.
Note: this also fits the 1939-41 Mercury
Best set #5030
Made in the USA!

1932-41 Ford V8 Distributor Gasket Set
Ford V8 1932-48 Rear Axel Housing Cover Gasket
This Rear Axel Housing Cover Gasket is for the 1932-48 Ford V8 Model B and is .015 thick.
Best set #10025E
Made in the USA!

1932-48 Ford Model B Rear Axel Housing Cover Gasket